• Friday, February 28, 2025 14:28

Guest Raiding


Frayed Knot Raids Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 8:15-11:30 Eastern (5:15-8:30 Pacific).  Guests are welcome any night.

Primary Points of Contact:  Ciraele and/or Taza typically do raid and DZ/task invites.  If they're not available look for Kiras and/or Scot (our usual Raid Leaders), Darchi, or Reolox (our Recruitment Officers).

You must register on the guild forums (you only need to register on the forums; your ID and password will be propagated to the DKP site), so you can monitor your DKP and see how to setup GINA.  If you don't register on the forums you can still attend raids as a guest, but you will not accumulate DKP.

FK will supply GINA trigger packs on raids where we use it.  Talk to Kiras if you need assistance installing or configuring GINA.  Failure to follow emotes can lead to dismissal from the raid. 

Frayed Knot forums: http://eq.frayedknot.us/boards
Frayed Knot DKP site: http://dkp.frayedknot.us

After registering on the boards, ask Kenanna, Majique, or Medimus to activate your account and change your board status to raid guest.  Your request will be handled as quickly as possible.

Guests enjoy most of the same loot privileges as members.  Loot is awarded via open bidding in the fkauction:fkauction and fknonarmor:FKNonArmor (case is significant...) channels. The official raid/loot rules are available on the Frayed Knot DKP site at https://dkp.frayedknot.us/index.php/Guildrules.html, with these additional rules specifically for guests.

  • Guests can bid a maximum of 400 DKP for any item. Members can bid higher up to the item's max. Many items go for less than 400 (usually substantially less...), but chase items and first win items occasionally go for more.
  • If an item is announced as FFA (Free for All), guests can loot one (1) of the announced FFA items per night with no DKP cost. You must wait until a Loot Council member announces the FFA.
  • Guests are not eligible to win loot for their alts until six (6) months after the expansion comes out.

You will earn DKP at the same rate as members, starting at zero on your first raid.  As of this writing events are worth 25 DKP, while first wins will get a bonus (usually 100 DKP extra).  We reserve the right to change those amounts at any time, although the amount awarded will be the same for both members and guests.

As a guest, you will be the first removed from the raid in the event that the raid becomes over full and members are waiting to join.  This includes gimp flagging issues.  The raid leader may choose to override this convention should they determine that your class plays a critical role in our ability to beat an event. 

Thanks for taking the time to read this. We look forward to seeing you on raids and hope you have fun and enjoy our raids.